Friday, July 27, 2012

Diaper Bag Purse

No need for a purse anymore!

Once you have a child and you go places a diaper bag is something you have to take. the perk about having a diaper bag is that it can double as a purse too. I have found that it is a lot easier to carry one bag instead of multiple bags.  They also have very stylish diaper bags out there so do not worry about having to carry something that does not fit you and your babies personality!
Chic Sophie's Pink Carry All Diaper Bag-diaper bag, diaper bags, trendy, modern, mom, gift, designer, rock mom, diapering

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Garage Sales

Garage Sales

Buying new or expensive clothes for your new baby is a mistake and can cost you lost of money. I have found especially in the summer that there are tons of garage sells all around. I have purchased brand new toys, clothes, books for less than I would at the store. I know some people are not okay with using used items, but I am telling you if you find the right sells you can buy brand new things for  a cheaper price. If you need help finding garage sells around you just drive around your neighborhood, or check out your local paper for listings. 
here is the link to our local newspaper CJONLINE

Moms can brag!

Capture every moment

Children I have been told grow up too fast. I was once told you can turn your head and they are all grown up. I make sure to capture every little moment I can with my daughter. I know that it has only been five months since she was born, but I can never have too many pictures of her. Flickr  has helped my organize some of my photos that way I know when and where I took them. Just remember to make sure you capture every moment because they grow up to fast:(

A little help from your neighborhood

Community Help

Being a new mom can be overwhelming, however your community has so many resources to help you! 
When I was in the hospital I had so many different people come in to my room and give me advice, and their information if I ever needed help. I was so out of it at the time , but I kept all their booklets and trust me they came in handle once I got home. Below are a few website links of people in Topeka that make house visits, and will answer any new mom question that you might have. Also there are so many websites that are dedicated to moms, and staying home moms. You can enter this pages, and there are tons of useful information from people with experiences! No question is a dumb question when being a new mom. The more you ask the more you know.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Midwife and Hospitals what tough choices

Midwife is the way to go!
When finding out you are pregnant it is so important that you immediately start seeing a doctor or a midwife. You need to find out if the heart beat is regular, and how many months along you are, and all the other blood test they need to do to make sure your baby is healthy.

 I decided when I was about two months pregnant to get a midwife. My sister whom had just had a baby used Kim Keen of St.Francis Cotton O'Neil . At first I was not sure what exactly a midwife does, I just trust my sister and her advise to use Kim. I found out that they are basically the same as a doctor. they take care of you, and examine you through out the pregnancy. The midwife also is there when the baby is born, for instance I had an emergency C-Section and Kim was there the whole time holding my hand and calming me down.

 I found that the only difference with using a midwife is the personal relationship.I had a great one with Kim, any time I had a question, or worry she was there just a phone call away. I highly recommend her and her colleagues.They where super nice, and very welcoming.


New mother and her career

You too Can Have a Career

As the year goes on I am that much closer to being a graduated mother. I am so proud of myself and all that I have accomplished this year. I say if I can do it than any one can do it. Below is a copy of the link to my podcast on Podbean. It gives you some tips on how to be a new mother and a have a career too!

Here is the script from my podcast :

Finding out you are pregnant is a life changing event. It can alter your world, and make you re-think your priorities. Having to put another life before yours can be a bit scary. Knowing that your life will never be the same can frighten some, but if you keep your head up, and keep going you can be a mom and have a career too.
I was not excepting to get pregnant so when I found out I was expecting, it was a life changing moment. I had always dreamed of finishing school and then starting my family. Well obviously life happens and you can not always plan every little detail out. I was so blessed that I had such a supporting family, and future hubby to support me and my career decisions.
I am still in school and will graduate this May. I also was able to finish my internship this summer and move closer to that degree. Add on a full time job too and I have got my hand super full. I found out what worked for me and have been able to be a mom, and have a life, and career of my own. In order to do this there was a few things that I had to live and learn about, as well as making sacrifices, because my daughter comes first.
I was lucky enough that my fiance Blake was working three jobs, so once my internship started I could cut back on my job, and become more of a staying home mother. Finding day care is not only rather expensive, but you never know whom you can trust now days. I was lucky enough I got to stay home with my daughter Baylynn and do homework and part of my internship from home.
There were definitely days where I would have to call around to my family or take my daughter with me in order to get things accomplished, but it can be done. I always knew I wanted to finish my college degree and I knew having a baby would just drive me more. Thats why the summer has been nothing but a learning experience.
After this summer I have learned, and acquired skills, and tools that will help any new mother be able to still handle a career.
First: make sure you always have time to your self. This could be just go out side and watering the flowers or just taking out the trash. You always need to make time for yourself or you will go crazy.
Second: make time for your spouse too. They are there to help you and you want to make sure that you still are building a relationship with them, and that your life is not consumed with your child.
Third: sleep when that baby sleeps. This is the best advise that I have ever been given. It has helped me be able to function and still have the sanity to do homework.
Fourth and final thing: Keep your head up and strive for your goals. If I did remember the prize , I would of stopped going to school, and not gotten my degree. I know that I want to have a career and a way to support my family, so that is what drives me to be a mom, and have a career.
All in all if you just make sure you know what you want, and you use your resources correctly you can definitely have a career and be a mom too. Always remember you must make time for yourself and your goals. You need to be strong and determined and that will shine through when I graduate.(All that hard work I have put in and I know my daughter will be proud).