Thursday, July 19, 2012

Don't Break the baby during bath time

Baby and their first Bath

I will admit that when I first brought my daughter home from the hospital I was more than nervous that I was going to break her! I could not imagine how I was going to be able to handle a baby that was so tiny with out breaking her. 

I had heard such horrible horror stories about what people have done while bathing their newborn. For example drowning them on accident, or getting to much water in their ears and their brains swelling up. These stupid stories that people use to scare new mothers really got to me. I was also afraid that I would make the water too hot and burn her skin. I know I sound crazy now ,but being a first time mom the weirdest thoughts will run through your head.

Because I was so petrified of giving her her first bath I looked up a useful video on which saved my life. Below I will post this amazing video entitled Baby Bath on behave of The Parent channel:

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